Success Mindset

Reclaim Your Freedom from the “I can’t…” Lies
(Part 3/3) You don’t have time to be in the “I can’t…” trap. Reclaim your freedom and recover your power.

What I Hear When You Say, “I can’t…”
(Part 1/3) One of the most powerful limiting beliefs is: “I can’t…” – when we hear it our coaching spidey senses need to go off, there’s a breakthrough waiting.
Model of the World
Our beliefs create our Model of the World and we will miss the opportunities we dream of when we live as a Victim.
Breaking Up With February
The whole point of building a ‘freedom’ business is that you can get out of town when you need to get away…
How To Keep a Gratitude Journal
Gratitude journals are a powerful coaching tool to shift your energy and create abundance in your life. This shows you how to do it.
If You’re Happy and You Know It…
Marci Shimoff claims you can be happy for the rest of your life if you just follow her steps… is that even a thing?
Jung… A Change of Pace
Stepping into Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Carl Jung is a trippy ride into one of the 20th century’s greatest super-minds… and it’s surprisingly gentle.
BOTW: Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck
Martha Beck wrote one of my all-time favourite ‘change your life, get your head on straight’ coaching books with Finding Your Own North Star. Find out why here…
BOTM: Books That Rock My World
Vivacious Living Recommended Reads On an irregular basis I will share one of my favourite books with you. It could be a book that I am currently reading or one that I first read years ago and treasure more with each re-read. Guaranteed, each book I recommend was a source of many joyous (and sometimes […]