Radiant Boundaries

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Radiant Step 3 – Voice

21: Negotiate!

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Once you express your Radiant Boundary (making the request), it’s time to negotiate. And that means knowing your audience and letting them have their response to your request.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


1. Is there any resistance to allowing the Other to have their response? Are you so fed up that you just want them to do the dang thing and get on with it? What needs to be processed and released so that you can feel more centered and neutral? What belief needs to be shifted?

2. How are you feeling about the idea of a minimum viable product? That it isn’t going to be perfect after Round 1? Where in you are you still holding the idea that this should be a one-and-done? How can you shift and/or release that?

3. How well do you know your audience? What don’t you know about them that would be helpful here? Do you know how they learn best? How they best receive information? Do they prefer the details first or the big vision? How can you shift your presentation style so that they can hear you?