Nikki Bult NB Virtual Office
Vanessa’s no-nonsense way of digging deep into your soul and exposing the things that are holding you back, and then giving you the support, tools, and processes needed to shift into a much easier and joyful way of being, is priceless.
So many things in my personal life and business have shifted into a much more abundant state – I’m deeply grateful for crossing paths with her.
I've known Vanessa for many years but have never considered coaching for my business of 32 years until the Ste. Anne's planning retreat when I realized that I, indeed, could benefit from some one-on-one business coaching. And both my business and I have benefited.
My coaching consisted of six months of weekly sessions which included goal setting, business analysis, a working plan, some work-life balance exercises and an understanding of the importance of celebrating successes.
Vanessa brought a fresh perspective, asked tough questions, and demanded accountability on a weekly basis. All necessary to move forward.
Things that should have been worked on years ago have either been completed or a plan is in place to complete them. Our personal game plan is to retire in 3 to 5 years and we are in a much better position to make that happen.
I am relieved to be able to work in an organized environment with the knowledge that the staff are capable of handling almost any situation with the understanding that they have the power to make decisions to resolve customer issues because we have adopted some company-wide best practices.
I have always, and continue to get up in the morning and enjoy coming into work. That is still the case; however, I am no longer drawn in to the daily 'fray' of the company. Although I no longer have my finger in all the company pies, I remain in control. This allows me to function as an Owner should. Amazingly, all of this has been accomplished in six months and all as a result of your coaching abilities!
Several months later, I am amazed at what has been accomplished!
Some of these items have long needed to be done and some have been on a ‘wish list’:
- One of the first things tackled was an Operations Manual
- The staff have been involved and have taken ownership
- The flow of our operations has changed and I have delegated a number of my former tasks to others.
The results have been rewarding. I am less “burdened” and feel more energized and better able to focus ON the business as opposed to working IN the business.
Vanessa has a way of being able to see both the forest AND the trees and brings a fresh perspective to light.
I was disorganized, playing small and overwhelmed. Vanessa helped me chunk things down into really inspired and actionable steps so that I could start to realize my dreams and make shift happen! In the three months we worked together I earned $15,000 in my brand new coaching business and since then I’ve started to have 5 figure months!!

Vanessa Matthews Real Entrepreneurs Start Here
When I first connected with Vanessa I felt as though the Divine had literally sent her into my life to scoop me up. Her continued support, wisdom and encouragement has helped me deepen my understanding and grow my business quickly.
She is just the right amount of scary to put a halt to your BS and get you moving forward! My clients and I have already benefited from the investments I’ve made with Vanessa – she delivers (and ensures I deliver!) every time.
Simply put, Vanessa is a Rockstar.
When I first started working with her, I was lost and confused about the direction of my business. Now I’ve manifested more money in a two week period than I ever have before, created a successful program for my clients that gets them awesome results, I am re-branding and I’m creating the foundations that my business needs to grow and thrive.
My favorite part of working with Vanessa, is she doesn’t let me hide from myself. She consistently brings the gems that are hidden deep within to the light while backing everything up with simple, practical steps that help provide more clarity and more money in my business.

Michael Brown Silver Fox Concierge
For most of my life I equated boxing as a metaphor for my life! I always felt that I was fighting and that my opponent was no pushover. After a few initial jabs and body shots, the knockout punches started coming fast and furious. The loss of my brother, the death of my father, illness, depression, and to top it off: the loss of a ‘secure’ corporate job when I was in my early 50s. I was devastated and I was ready to be counted out.
Enter Vanessa Long.
One of the things that Vanessa said during our first conversation stopped me in my tracks because I completely understood and related to what she was saying. She talked about how at one point in her life she felt that if she unleashed her anger, her fury, she would flatten the world. That was me in a nutshell. I felt that I could literally destroy people if I ever went off on them, told them what I really thought of them. My anger scared me because at times it would come out of nowhere. This anger has been with me for as long as I could remember and I felt like a mouse stuck on a wheel with no way out.
Vanessa offered me a way to get off that wheel. I was scared to death - worried about the money it would cost - but I knew deep down that I had to make the first step and commit and trust Vanessa with my heart and soul.
A leap of faith, yes, but I felt like I had waited my entire life for this opportunity. Vanessa taught me to view the world with different eyes. That could only happen if I understood the specific reasons, the events in my life that had a negative impact and held me back.
The funny thing is I always felt like I was operating at far less than 100% in every aspect of my life but never understood why.
I always felt unworthy and simply did not love the human being I was.
With powerful techniques and tools, Vanessa helped me understand, confront and let go of my anger, my feelings of unworthiness, of everything that was preventing me from being the me I always dreamed of being.
Was it easy? No.
The awareness I now have is astounding to me.
My relationship with my wife, son and everyone around me has improved.
I no longer need acceptance but am comfortable with who and what I am. In fact I am embracing it!
Vanessa showed me that I always have a choice and because of that I no longer feel trapped.
Today I am filled with hope and joy. I can't wait for the next day to begin because I know that my passion is no longer misplaced in the Corporate world that I grew to loathe.
My 4-month Breakthrough with Vanessa was 2 years ago and now when I look around at my life I am amazed at how much has changed - and so grateful that I had the courage to step up for my life. Now I own a business I love, I serve my community, and I don’t even recognize that guy who was so hurt and afraid and angry just a few short years ago.
My business allows me to live on my terms, no one else’s. It enables me to immerse myself with people and a world that I choose to be part of. It gives me the opportunity to live my passion, something I wasn't even capable of imagining before working with Vanessa.
I feel free, liberated and completely comfortable with who I am.
I am filled with exhilarating excitement about my future, my family's future and my place in this world.
I am proud of who I am and that I had the courage not to simply give up!
And remember that boxing metaphor I used at the beginning of this?
I cannot use that metaphor anymore to describe my life simply because it is no longer a fight.
It is an adventure filled with hope, happiness and a feeling of child-like excitement.
For the first time in my life I have a plan, a purpose!
Life is a wonderful and uplifting experience. I am at peace and content. Wow.

Grace Sedstrem Wonder Woman Solutions
I am celebrating having a sacred space to explore all the different things that I bring to the table in my business. We started from a high-level overview and then went down into the details and finally pulled it all together into something joyful and fun. The group and how everybody has shared has been awesome.

Carla Sanders Orgasmic Alchemy
What’s it like to coach with Vanessa? I’ve got someone in my corner laying out a system that works and that I can repeat over and over.
I have a genius at clarifying my message, encouraging me that my work is important, that I need to be bolder, more visible, and showing me how and where!
I have Vanessa’s eyes on my copy, she pointed out all the GOLD, and made little tweaks to make it pop, and be irresistible. And this was just TODAY!
I have longed for this kind of coaching support for all the years of my business. I’ve had more people sign up for this launch than ever before. And we are just warming up the engine.
Hire Vanessa. Study with her. She’ll change your business in a good way.

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt Escape Diet Prison
Vanessa is the real deal.
She’s deeply influenced the way I do business and she’s made a huge difference in the way I approach my coaching packages, which has resulted in more clients.
Her light shines through from halfway across the world and she’s just as fabulous on a call as she is on Facebook.
Listen to her, learn from her and work with her.