Priestess Numerology Report

$111.00 USD

You’ll receive:

A 2-page pdf detailing all 5 of your power numbers, insights, and next steps, as well as journalling questions to go deeper.

A personalized audio (~10 minutes), channelled by Vanessa, that further explains how your numbers are here to help you with your Soul’s journey.

“Vanessa, what can I say but wow!! It’s literally like you’ve known me all my life with this reading.”

Lisa Atanaska

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Learn the power of your birthdate and begin your journey into Destiny with this customized pdf and recording.

You’ll learn your 5 power numbers and how they’re working together in this lifetime to resolve your Karma and help you to be who you incarnated to be.


“I LOVED THIS! I especially loved the MP3!!  I do audio readings for people all the time so it was nice to receive one for myself!! I’ve already listened to it twice and I’m sure there will be plenty more listens!”

Heather Tobin, Intuitive Energy Healer and Spiritual Mentor


Numerology is an ancient science and Vanessa will show you how your numbers are powerfully connected to your aura and ability to manifest.


“This is awesome – thank you so much!!! The idea of being the Architect really resonates with me. Knowing that my actions are aligning with my soul’s purpose was really great confirmation that I am on the right path.”

Jen Febel, BTG Wellness


If you’d prefer a conversation to receive greater depth from your reading, we recommend our Numerology Coaching.


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