The Alchemy Sessions: Transform & Align
A 3-step journey to break through what’s holding you back and align with your Soul’s blueprint.
Step 1: The Diagnostic
We meet on zoom, where you share your desires and what’s currently blocking your path.
We go deep to get to the Root of what’s under the symptoms you’re experiencing.
We uncover the why behind your current challenges. Whether you’re being called to release ancestral patterns or clear past life karma – or transforming something for the collective, we’ll create a personalized plan for your uplevel.
~ 50 minutes
Step 2: The Soul Shift
This is where the magic happens.
In a powerful intensive, we execute the plan — clearing old patterns, healing emotional wounds, and realigning your energy with your highest potential. Depending on what we’ve uncovered in The Diagnostic, we’ll focus on one of two Shifts:
The Aura Scrub:
With powerful modalities like Time Line Therapy® and Past Life Regression, we’ll release the energies that no longer serve you, while clearing your aura of energetic debris.
The Soul Map:
We’ll dive deep into your unique Soul Map — through Numerology, Gene Keys, Astrology, and Human Design — to uncover your Soul Mission – why your Soul incarnated at this time and in this body.
~ 2-3 hours
Step 3: Integration & Alignment
After our session, you’ll receive personalized coaching and follow-up to ensure that the shifts we’ve created fully integrate into your life.
This checks that your environment, mindset, and actions align with your new frequency.
This is about embodying the change, not just experiencing it.
~ 50 minutes
If you’re looking for a particular experience:
Human Design
Success Codex
Gene Keys
Time Line Therapy®
Past Life Regression, Future Life Progression, or Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy
Or, if you’re ready to experience a customized coaching experience, tailored to where you are right now and what you need most to reach your next level of success or Divine Alignment
… this is where we begin.