The Aura Scrub – 1:1 Coaching

$2,222.00 USD

Your Soul is here on a Mission. It’s time to stop wasting time being held back by old baggage that you’ve been lugging around.

Your work with Vanessa will start with a 30-minute session to ensure you’re a good fit.

For best results, combine The Aura Scrub with The Excavation. You can even get The Radiant Aura bundle for maximum savings!

Only 2 left in stock


Our Aura is our energetic field – and our filter. It surround us on all sides and it records and stores everything that has ever happened to us, not to mention what will happen in the future.

Just like any filter, sometimes you need to take it out and give it a good scrub to get rid of all the ‘guck’ – the anger, fear, sadness, hurt, guilt, blame, shame, and resentment – that accumulates over time. Sometimes, we even have spirit attachments or objects, or energies clinging from past lives and past generations.

We’ll get it shiny clean so you can get back to what matters… whatever you’re desiring.

In this life-changing 3-hour session, you’ll work 1:1 with Vanessa to let go of the wounding that is keeping you stuck now.


From Vanessa: “These are the most transformative change technologies I’ve ever used. They’ll help you re-write your past and future to tell a more empowering story so you can get back on Mission and living your best Soul life.”