Survey Request How Can I Help You

What are you excited about learning in 2016?

What content and 'Aha!' moments can I share with you?

What would you love to hear from me?

Fill out the *4* question survey here to let me know:

It'll take less than 5 minutes. And be easy. Promise.

Here's the deal: I'm looking at putting together some new tele-classes over the next couple of months and I'd love your feedback.


It has been a while since we connected – the last public tele-class I did was the Solstice meditation back in December – and I have so many ideas and strategies and tools that I want to share, I just don't know where to begin.

So, I'll begin where any smart business owner should begin…

With you. With my clients. With my readers. With the amazing, awesome, generous, intelligent people who allow me into their inboxes on a regular basis.

With the people that my heart loves to serve.

With the people that totally light me up when we come together.

I've asked myself what I would love to share and I've come up with a few ideas. I've also left a blank space where you can write in what *you* would love to hear, because there is no point in me talking to myself (I do that all the time anyway!). 😉

Business strategies?

Work-life balance?

Making your marriage extraordinary?

Manifestation and power?

Cleaning up messes?


Let's do it!

Something else entirely? Something you love to hear me talk about, or want to hear me talk about that I don't even realize is in demand?

Surprise me!

Please click HERE and answer the *4* questions in this survey. It'll be fast and painless, I promise.


Thank you!

Vanessa Long

Vanessa Long

Looking to transform your relationship with your Self, your Source, or your Spouse? You've come to the right place. Sacred Physicality will help you create a life you love and relationships that rock. Welcome!

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