
Reclaim Your Freedom from the “I can’t…” Lies
(Part 3/3) You don’t have time to be in the “I can’t…” trap. Reclaim your freedom and recover your power.

You Were Made for More Than “I can’t…”
(Part 2/3) You were made for more than self-sabotage from limiting beliefs + made-up rules that keep you trapped in overwhelm and frustration. Coaching can help.

When You Own a Business, Your Marriage Matters
Sometimes I get a lifted eyebrow when I let people know that my husband and I do marriage coaching… and I get that. After all, everyone knows that I work with entrepreneurs to improve their lives and businesses, so how does it make sense to focus on marriage? How does it not? For me, it’s […]

Are You Ready to Triage Your Business and Life?
Are you ready to triage your ’24/7 job that pretends it’s a business’, turn it into something saleable, and finally see the light at the end of the tunnel? Yes? Phew! Thank goodness! Then you’re ready for the: With the 1:1 Power VIP Day, we connect for the entire day to break through as many […]

I Believed I Had a ‘Business’ for Far Too Long
The focus of my work with clients has taken some interesting turns over the years, but none so empowering as what has happened over the past couple of years… You see, I’ve been what I thought was an entrepreneur for over 20 years. I’ve always created my own income by serving my clients and I […]

Leaving Your Comfort Zone is Darn Uncomfortable
(Part 1/3 of Passing Through the Nozzle) One of my most important jobs as a Coach is to nudge my clients right up against the edge of their Comfort Zone and then help them apply just the right pressure to P-O-P! them through to the other side. Why would anyone want to leave their Comfort […]
Ready to Get Your Business on a Firm Foundation?
Today is the last day to register for super-early bird savings on this round of the Business Building Foundations mentorship. Get everything you need to build a coaching business that makes money AND makes an impact.
Business Building Foundations 2016
The Business Building Foundations is *the* training for Coaches who are ready to make money and make an impact.