God/ Divine/ Spirit
Sowing Joy and Reaping Peace and Love
This season is sacred to me. I suppose they all are but Fall has always been my favourite. Now that I understand more about the energetics of the seasons – and the graceful way in which they cycle – I find that Fall moves me in quiet and deeply, profoundly, transformational ways.
Invite Grace Into Your Morning
This is my favourite time of the day…
sitting quietly in the living room before everyone else wakes up – I am in 'my' spot and only the cats have noticed; I have soaking music playing quietly in the background – it's a new cd I bought yesterday and I love it… and I'm with you…
Why It's Good to Be Convicted
In the normal world, getting convicted is a bad thing – it usually involves a jail cell. But in faith, getting convicted is definitely a good thing – it's God busting you out of jail. Let's find out more…
Jesus Is a Really Bad Houseguest
It's funny how, when you agree to let God into your life, things start to change. It's even funnier how, when you start surrendering to God, things start to flow.
Celebrating the Return of the Sun in the Heart of Winter
It's the end of January and, at least here in Ontario, it has been grey and cold and snowy.
January can be one of the hardest months of the year for people. The gloom and the emptiness and the post-holiday bills can make it hard to focus on anything bright and beautiful.
And yet, in their infinite wisdom, many of the world's cultures have chosen this coming weekend to celebrate the return of the light. Right now, we're celebrating:
Planting Spiritual Seeds for the Spring
If you're like me, and many of my clients, you cherish your home. It's your haven, your root, and your place to source and nourish yourself.
Or at least you wish it was.
Choose to Embrace the Light
In the Toronto-area, we have tens of thousands of people who are still without electricity from the winter ice that descended on us over the weekend. Luckily, we kept our power here in Newmarket, but I have friends who have gone dark while they struggle to stay warm and make Christmas happen for their families.
Even in such dire circumstances, some will choose to surrender to the dark while some will defiantly face the fear and choose to stay in the light.
Are You Ready to Clean Up Your Messes?
Well, the year is certainly ending with a bang for me! What about you?
I was at the Hell Yeah! Star event with Suzanne Evans and Larry Wingett in Atlanta last weekend and it was intense. We were learning how to create a personality brand and I got triggered every which way. Thankfully I have a great support team and some pretty kick-butt emotional resiliency thanks to the tools I use and I was able to move past the triggered state and get everything I could out of the content they delivered – while I ignored how they delivered it.
Your Messes are Waiting for You
A few years ago, I was in Florida for a Rich Dad event and I saw Raymond Aaron, another great Canadian success coach, deliver his presentation. He had one phrase in particular that has always stuck with me and I want to share it with you: