Healthy Living
Start Feeling A New Story
I've been thinking an awful lot lately about vibration and my online 'voice'. Who do I want to be and what do I want to stand for in what seems to be a crowded marketplace? What is the story that I want to be telling, and believing about what makes someone successful?
What Are You Creating
What are you creating these days? Is it drama, chaos and bitterness… or rest, stillness, and joy?
There are so many times I have caught myself the last few years (sheesh! decades!) condemning myself for not being good enough, not being pretty enough, not being skinny enough, and not being rich enough…
Direct Me In Your Paths
'Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. Turn my heart towards your statutes, and not towards selfish gain…' Psalm 119:35-37 NIV
We Are Being Called Out Of Hiding
Ooooohhh!! Ladies, there is something very cool happening. We are being called out of hiding, out of the dark places where we have thought we could pretend to be less than we are.
Please, please find the places where you are hiding and make a decision to clean it up, clean it out and get on with being the awesome shiny goddess you are meant to be. Let's all do this!!
Introduction to Meditation
We're going to have some fun as we de-bunk some of the most popular myths about meditation and then figure out how to build it into our lives in a way that works.
Meditation can help you improve your health, reduce your stress, and even help you make more money…but it can't do ANY of that if you don't do it.
The Perils of Being Super-Busy
I believe that there is something truly shifting with the energy this year. We are being called into our power in a deep, deep way. The Divine simply will not tolerate us playing small and hiding any more. Every place that we have been lying to ourselves about our magnificence is being exposed and called out. It can be mighty uncomfortable.
Finding Stillness at the Solstice
Now don't get me wrong: I love my sleep. (And, yes, I do work with clients who have chronic sleep loss issues to get them a good night's sleep.)
But at this time of year my body is so excited to get out of bed and get going that I can't say no.
How to Be In Your Body
Many of us spend our lives popping in and out of our bodies. Whenever there is an uncomfortable feeling we 'POP!' out and watch our body being uncomfortable. This has the benefit of consciously removing us from the discomfort – even if we aren't aware of doing it consciously.
It also has the very big disadvantage of abandoning our unconscious mind and body. This means we lose our access to what is actually happening inside of ourselves and in the world around us.
Invite Grace Into Your Morning
This is my favourite time of the day…
sitting quietly in the living room before everyone else wakes up – I am in 'my' spot and only the cats have noticed; I have soaking music playing quietly in the background – it's a new cd I bought yesterday and I love it… and I'm with you…