Walsch: The Purpose – Saving the World
Walsch: The Purpose – Saving the World
Once again, Neale Donald Walsch (NDW) has me at 'Hello!' I love it when a book just feels right, like slipping on my boyfriend's sweatshirt – lots of room to move around and still comforting.
As Walsch explains in the Introduction, there is nothing new in the book, nothing that has not been said a thousand times before. A message that every great wisdom tradition has tried to convey but one "to which we have not been listening" (viii).
And more importantly, we have not begun to live that message.
And so I read. Not to learn something new, in this case, but to hear again a message that I too easily forget.
That each one of us "can change the course of human history" (ix). And that we are not alone.
Walsch states that we "have gone as far as we can go in the direction we have been taking. We need now to change course if we wish to preserve life as we know it on this planet" (viii). To illustrate this statement, he mentions the ecological havoc we have wreaked (and our unwillingness to own up to it) and the increasing income disparity both within and between nations (and our acceptance of it).
The purpose of this book is to (re-) introduce us to a new understanding of God – "an expanded concept, a deeper awareness" (14), one that will lead us into a global transformation towards peace and joy. This is a world that cannot be created with, or by, our Yesterday's God because that particular version of God was made up and has nothing to do with Ultimate Reality (4). He then admits that this is a blasphemy, but that "all great truth begins as blasphemy" (5).
In contrast, Tomorrow's GodTomorrow's God
, the expanded vision of God that Walsch is presenting, has given us the free will to create any world that we want. The world that we have is the world that we have created through generations of behaviour. But he includes the promise that our world could be transformed in a matter of decades through adoption of one new belief (16).
The belief that we are all ONE.
That there is nothing separate. There is no away. That "the Creator and the Created are One, each creating the other" (24). This means that we are never alone, God is always with us, and God is always us. Each of us is a small piece of the One.
Walsch explains that the purpose of life is awakening, Becoming, "rejoining the inseparable," and knowing again that separation never occurred (31).
How do I save the world? How do You save the world?
By awakening to the TRUTH that we are separate from nothing. I must behave as if I am separate from nothing. And so must you. That is how we will save the world.
What would that look like?
Hopefully the book will tell me. But if we are all One then I probably already know – don't we?