Woodman and Johnson: Junging it Up!
Woodman and Johnson: Junging it Up!
I've finished 3 of the 4 required books for my awesome (at least, I'm assuming it will be awesome) Embodied Wisdom course that begins on Monday. Today I finished Marion Woodman's Leaving My Father's HouseLeaving My Father's House
and read Robert Johnson's The Fisher King & The Handless Maiden
The Fisher King and the Handless Maiden
from start to finish. It was only 100 pages with lots of white space, so not as exciting as it sounds.
First impressions – Leaving My Father's HouseLeaving My Father's House
is life-changing, so much depth, so much passion, so well-written; The Fisher King & The Handless Maiden
The Fisher King and the Handless Maiden
, on the other hand, has left me unsatisfied. Both books deal with fairy tales / myth and while I feel I understand Woodman's intent with and interpretation of Allerleirauh and have been enriched by it, Johnson's use of The Fisher King and Handless Maiden myths felt incomplete and has left me needing to investigate on my own to find out what he was trying to get at. Ack.
Nonetheless, I am enjoying the wealth of imagery and symbolism from the Jungian interpretation of these stories. I've gained insight that will help me with my own dream interpretation as well as increasing my capacity to help my coaching clients. I think I might get a few pages of the next book, Reclaiming SpiritualityReclaiming Spirituality
by Diarmuid Ò Murchù read before I fall asleep.
Or I might just slip into the night and see where my dreams lead me. Sweet dreams to you.